Lady Luz... a beautiful and shining unfinished vase.

Lady Luz... a  beautiful and shining unfinished vase.

April 15, 2021

As women we shine. Often times I judge myself as not doing enough or thinking I could have done better. But yet my children's attitudes toward me are like I am the most wonderful woman on earth! My role in their lives, as their mother, with all the complexities that comes with that (you know what I mean) makes me a light that shines their way. It's good to be reminded of that truth. Jesus calls us 'the light of the world'. And He said "people put a lamp on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house". "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven". -Matt 5:15-16

We need to be constantly reminded that we ARE light. LUZ. There is power in that light. Our light comes from Him. He gave us this name, and this purpose. Not because we are better than others, but because of what He's done, and is still doing, in us.

In this journey of life as mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, girlfriends...of womanhood we want to help you shine. We want you to help us shine. We are not perfect. We suffer, we cry, we laugh, our hearts melt, we worry... we pray. At the end we want to thrive. And He is ready to help us. This is an unfinished vase being worked on. And in that process, we will light up to everyone in the house. Because He wants us to influence others. And that is what we do best. Be Light!

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