Motherhood & Kids

Kindergarten Homeschool Graduation
October 11, 2021

Kindergarten Homeschool Graduation

Some of us, moms, in this pandemic times, are dealing with another unexpected situation: graduation at home! Yes, some of our kids’ graduate this year and we have been homeschooling so we got to create this important and memorable experience at home. And guess what?! It’s doable!

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A Role Model Situation: being a mom.
May 24, 2021

A Role Model Situation: being a mom.

Social media caught people's attention into desiring to live a colorful, adventure, fun, stress-free life. Our perception flies with images of perfectness in a couple's relationship or marriages, beautiful clothes, scrumptious food and recipes, appealing trips, and everything is more interesting than our own lives. And we tend to copy or replicate what we see and how we think. Forgetting what social media is about: projecting an image to others of what I wish things would be. People choose, pick, filter or curate pictures to make them look beautiful. These models cover up their intentions and realness into something socially acceptable and appealing.

So this is what I mean. I want to follow Him. If we want to look up for a model, look up to Jesus. If we want to replicate someone, replicate Jesus. Let's try our best in showing others what His love is about, starting with our own family


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La intensidad de la maternidad... cuando ella ya no está.
May 08, 2021

La intensidad de la maternidad... cuando ella ya no está.

He tenido la dicha y la bendición de ser madre. Dios me ha permitido gestar, traer al mundo dos vidas que El diseñó de antemano y poder criarlos hasta el día de hoy. Cuando uno es madre, comienza a pedirle a Dios ya no por nuestros sueños primeramente, sino por tener el tiempo y la salud para ayudar a los hijos en sus propios sueños. Este concepto me conmueve mucho.

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De la incomodidad a la paz... homeschooling
April 26, 2021

De la incomodidad a la paz... homeschooling

Yo nunca pensé que iba a darle clases a mis hijos en homeschooling por un año entero. Si bien conozco personas que lo practican regularmente y creo que es una excelente alternativa, jamás lo consideré como una opción para nuestra familia. Hasta que llegó la pandemia. Que nunca pensé vivir una pandemia tampoco, by the way.

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