Kindergarten Homeschool Graduation

Kindergarten Homeschool Graduation

October 11, 2021

Kindergarten Homeschool Graduation

Some of us, moms, in this pandemic times, are dealing with another unexpected situation: graduation at home! Yes, some of our kids’ graduate this year and we have been homeschooling so we got to create this important and memorable experience at home. And guess what?! It’s doable!

  1. First thing first- Finish the school year. My daughter just finished Kindergarten and we wanted to celebrate (that classes are done- yay! and this wonderful achievement). She will get to remember this time as one of most memorable experiences of her life.
  1. Set the Stage. You need to set a place with enough space to act as a platform. There you can create a background with decorations (cardboards, paper, stickers, and balloons). We had so much fun decorating the “stage”. Here we can perform for her. And she will stand up and receive her trophy and certification. For us it was in the living room.

  1. Make a List of Guests- People close to us will be coming home and some will be around us online. Still they need to get invitations and set a date. Everyone said some words of encouragement to her.
  1. Create an Order of Events- Write an agenda for the graduation. Schedule the activities and the order of events (starting with the introduction and purpose of the graduation, entertainment, and guest speaker, a poem for the student, the official act and closure.) The speaker will talk about perseverance, endurance and goals in life. This a great achievement and we will celebrate her! Also we want to make sure she knows she is going now to Elementary School. Some members of the family read a Bible verse and Dad talked about setting goals.
  1. Select a Musical Playlist- Pick typical graduation songs to be played in specific moments, like in the beginning when she is called to enter the room, when someone talks, when declared graduate, etc. You can have fun selecting the tracks. At the end of the ceremony, play a funny and happy music. Integrate a karaoke for fun!
  1. Make sure you get dress up- Select nice clothing and get dress up for the event. Make it outstanding with a nice dress and shoes for all the guests. We made her feel special and of course she had her graduation gown!
  1. Pick a Great Meal- Cook or Order In the student’s favorite food. We cooked something tasty that she loves to eat. Make sure you include appetizers and drinks. She asked for pasta and meatballs. We added her favorite strawberry cupcakes for the celebration.
  1. Gift- Celebrations cannot be complete without a gift. We gave her a special present- a graduation autograph puppy and a Barbie’s Closet that she’s been crazy about.
  1. End the celebration with Thankful Words for the Lord and ask for His blessing towards her life. For us this was an extraordinary moment, we celebrated and had so much fun. At the end of the day, when I was putting her to bed, she looked at me and said “Mami, thank you for all you did today, I loved it!” And that made it all worth it. You will not regretted!

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