New Beginnings: how to have the right mindset.

New Beginnings: how to have the right mindset.

October 05, 2021

Many of us are readjusting our lives to coming to the office. When the pandemic hit us we had to make the necessary adjustments- in the blink of an eye- to work from home, and do everything from home! The real life was a movie. And we endured. The Lord has been with us and will continue to be. In Phil.1: 6 we read "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus". As long as His presence does not abandon us, we will endure again. And guess what? He has promised us to never leave us. Heb 13:5

This time, going back to the office, sending our children to school, going out on trips feels like returning to normalcy. But how do we set our minds and body to adjust one more time? Especially when we still have the virus around, and probably will be for a long time.

1st, let’s remember the fact that we are okay, and think of others who couldn’t make it. Let’s be grateful for the opportunity of being safe and healthy. As we reprogram ourselves to the back-to-the office lets focus on the blessing it is to have a community and our place in it. Whether it’s at home or outside, we play a part, an important part. We need each other and being back means we are here and stronger than ever.

2nd, it’s time to make changes. To readjust our mindsets and start from scratch. We can develop new ways of behavior in the office. Being nicer or available to people. We can come back different, with a new perspective of life. Knowing as a fact, that movies do come to life in the most unexpected ways and with abroad understanding of the fragility of life. In my case, we decided to try a new school for our kids, with a different curriculum and in another town. So perhaps, going back brings new opportunities. A starting fuel that we were longing for. New ways of doing this, of responding, a new way of behavior. Let's act what we learned. And let's use this new different to glorify our Father in heaven. We can return to the office and send our kids back to school with higher expectations, not of others, but of ourselves.

After the pandemic, and the loss of so many people, it’s a new time. A new time to be kind. To show respect and empathy since we all have being going through so much and we are all adapting. It's a new time, but it does not have to be bad. My Mom used to tell me that changes are opportunities. The Lord wants us to see with happiness the new experiences He is allowing us to live. "Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him" Psalm 34: 8

And for sure there are bumpy roads. Psalm 31:24 Says "Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD." So in this new adventure if your hope is in the Lord; you can say "I got this! " 🙌

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